We're currently in Guerrero Negro and processing fig syconia. I hope to have a bit more time to update later, but here are some pictures from the past few days with captions.
We ran into many goats on the way up to the last site.

There were about a dozen burros on the road up as well.

Some of the goats don't do so well up here.

Amanda seemed to enjoy the hike.

Most of the flora from the northern sites look like something from a Dr. Suess book.

We were quite high up.

And the sun was pretty nasty.

But view was very nice.

Of course, sampling was limited to the branches on which Amanda would allow me to climb. All of those below are fig roots.

We currently have spotty Internet access, but we're doing well on the Pacific side of the peninsula. We should have one more day of processing before heading to the next site; we'll make a day trip a couple hours north, then head back.

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