Painting things - I've got 18 6x8 panels and a VERY basic palate - Ivory Black, Cadmium Yellow Light, Hansa Yellow Light, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Permanent Mauve, Phthalo Blue (my only blue!! any artists scared on my behalf?), and of course, quick dry white. Also, of course, brushes, artist wipes, a walnut alkyd medium (air-travel-friendly, but I've never used it before), and pink soap.

So, as I'm sure many of you know, I'm allergic to most things that people put on their skin. I can't use regular sunblock; essentially anything that anyone sells with an SPF gives me serious problems. It's got flaxseed oil, coconut oil (which has a natural spf), and I infused rose hips (lowering body heat, rehydrating, and healing for sunblock), peppermint (cooling, antibacterial, antiseptic, nice-smelling!), and chamomile (soothing, good skin food). I'm not sure if Brad's crazy about the smell, but I can't get enough of it.. Haha!

Lots of other random things... Rose water for a cooling face spritz, grapefruit seed oil (it's antimicrobial, I'll probably add it to the water, even though we're sticking to bottled), a few bandanas, multivitamins, tea tree oil (antifungal and good for zits), Cipro (one of those just-in-case antibiotics!), pictures of my other loved ones (in the books!), three or four books, a tarot deck (for fun and time-killing), glasses (they turn into sunglasses!), a bunch of pens, a clothesline, a few scraps of jewelry, arnica gel (it's good for bruises and swelling), twine (you never know when you'll need twine!)... That's about it.

And a fake engagement ring. I'm not bringing mine down there!
I'm sure I've forgotten something, but that's basically it, other than the toiletries and clothes that Brad already mentioned.
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