They have beautiful flowers here, but it's awfully warm. The first day, we didn't do too much.. After we got John's vehicle (Brad's adviser keeps a 4-runner down here for his frequent trips),
The next day was MUCH more intense! We hit the first site (site 29/31 in San Jose del Cabo) early the next morning.. And Holy COW!
We had a lot of hiking ahead of us! It was kind of silly... There were just a few cattle paths to follow, but most of it was just digging through pointy bushes and cacti, to get aaaalllll the way up to the top of this enormous montaña!
At one point, I did see a rattlesnake, but it was just chilling out under the rocks.. I wasn't afraid of the situation, other than having to find another way around to where my companions were... It was really a thrill to get that far, but it was a major bummer, because we couldn't find the fig trees, and I... well, I suppose I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, because I started overheating, I think. I was drinking water, but apparently it wasn't enough, because I started getting dizzy and kind of lost my perspicacity and awareness for a while. At one point I dropped my water bottle and didn't even notice. Brad kept a really close eye on me, though, and after a ton of water and a nice break in the shade, I felt much better. I think there wouldn't have been a problem at all if it weren't so crazy hot! The vultures circling us weren't particularly encouraging either.
After that, we drove.
OH how we drove.
The roads can actually be REALLY intimidating around here... No guardrails around turns that are a foot or two away from huge cliffs, and sand... Lots of sand. Brad's a fantastic driver, and I've never been afraid, but I certainly would be if I were driving!!
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